Saturday, October 5, 2019

MHC Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MHC Case Study - Research Paper Example 29). 2. Identify the type of structure MHC currently uses in its primary businesses. Describe the fit between the structure and the competitive strategy. Describe any structural adjustments MHC should make to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy Based on the case study it can be said that MHC follows a ‘tall organizational structure’ because it has several level of management and as a result the time taken to make a decision is much longer with more people getting involved in it. MHC organizational structure constitute of the CEO, VP, regional executive VP, corporate CEO, corporate VPs including HR and OD. MHC tall organizational structure fit its competitive strategy as it contains more number of management levels and the upper management is aware of the strategies and subsequently implements them to meets the goals of the company. However the current organizational structure tends to face severe problems like managers needs to wait for approval, time taken to make decisions, no knowledge of the employee’s skills and capability. Therefore MHC can alter its organizational structure and implement the flat organizational structure in order to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy. The management is facing HR issues with the current strategies implemented in the organization. Carrie Brown is unaware of the skills and ability of its employees and hence they are not been able to plot the right people in the right place. The employees were not provided with enough training and so with change in technology the current management KSAs do not know how to implemented cost cutting which will not diminish the service and mangers that are aware of the skills are scattered throughout the organizations. Thus the main issue with KSA is that the company does not have any accurate data about which of our people have the capabilities. The mission of MHC is to provide care to the indigent and less able members of the community but MHC has

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